Initial education: design of an interdisciplinary module

SOLID Module

Space design, landscape & lifestyle
Cultural economy, heritage & tourism
Health & well-living
Higher Education

SOLID is a module allowing students to discover a solidarity approach to design. They work for six months in an interdisciplinary way and in conjunction with a structure of the social and solidarity economy.

The aim of the project is the production of an open-source prototype to improve an object or a service with a social and solidarity vocation.

Three partners

  • The École de Design Nantes Atlantique: Professional Bachelor’s degree in D2M “Design, Materials and Modelling”.
  • The University Institute of Technology of Nantes: Professional Bachelor’s degree in D2M “Design, Materials and Modelling”.
  • The association PiNG: Nantes-based association that organizes times of discovery, practice and discussion around the impact of digital technologies on our environment, our way of living, thinking and creating.

Presentation of the module

The module is developed around three complementary facets over one semester: a workshop // the collaborative production of a prototype // the constitution of a pedagogical kit.


The original and innovative character of this project lies first and foremost in the implementation of a novel collaboration between:

  • students (apprentices on the Professional Bachelor’s degree D2M-D3M)
  • members of the Plateforme C fab lab community facilitated by the association PiNG
  • structures of the Social and Solidarity Economy


SOLID thus forms a hybrid community of interests and learning, where the acquisition of multidisciplinary skills participates in the construction of agile career paths, positioned at the crossroads of the cultural and creative industries, fab labs, and the social and solidarity economy.

The open source dimension of the project remixes the practice of sharing computer programming source code to apply it to the sharing of the “source code” of an educational programme. This encourages the wider dissemination of innovative collaborative pedagogical practices, and the spreading of these practices in the service of decompartmentalizing the sectors and knowledge commons.



Teaching methods

This project involves many shared pedagogical objectives. These include for the participants :

→ Acquiring multidisciplinary skills: design, communication and management, social and solidarity economy, applied project management, ICT, digital culture, intellectual property and free culture, materials, design tools and methods, digital manufacturing, product life cycle and eco-design ;

→ Acquiring a solid experience of cooperation in the fab lab in conjunction with actors of the socio-economic world and developing professional networks ;

→ Contributing to the creation or improvement of a project with a social, solidarity and sustainable development vocation ;


For the students, this represents :

  • validating an ECTS credit
  • obtaining a “SOLID” Openbadge that can be used in a multi-sectoral and international way in their professional career
  • obtaining a number of hours to be credited to the Citizen Commitment Account (compte d’engagement citoyen, CEC).


The SOLID module will be perpetuated in the pedagogical programme of the professional Bachelor’s degree in D2M-D3M. It will also be open to other courses at the IUT, the University of Nantes and the École de Design during the 2019-2020 academic year, as well as to new structures of the SSE and partner institutions of the WCI Research, Higher Education and Innovation programme.


The module was deployed in two stages in 2018, over a total duration of one semester.


1- March to May 2018

  • Preparation of the module by the pedagogical team and mobilization of the network.

2- September to November 2018

  • Availability of the multidisciplinary educational content and autonomous exploration by the teams formed
  • October 2018: five-day workshop at the Plateforme C fab lab to bring together, around a common objective, mixed teams composed of students, several members of the fab lab community facilitated by the PiNG association and a representative of a structure of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) ;
  • Collaborative production of an open-source prototype aimed at creating or improving an object or service with a social, solidarity and sustainable development vocation, supported by a structure working in the field of the SSE ;
  • Public feedback evening

Expected deliverables

SOLID proposes to create a pedagogical resource kit called “SOLIDmeta”, in digital and physical versions shared under a free licence, allowing the reproduction, appropriation and dissemination of the module itself and its content by partners and the multi-sectoral networks concerned by the module.


Laurent Neyssensas- L’Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique –

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