A neuro-interactive film - research project (start-up) and experiment

Emotive VR

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Emotive VR is an art/science project (lS2N/ESBA TALM). Its artistic goal is to create new  narrative forms by exploring the potential of 360° virtual reality and the emotional response of the spectator as data on interaction with the film. Its scientific goal is to measure the spectator’s virtual reality experience using a prototype of a neuro-interactive film with two innovative functions (immersion of two viewpoints within an omni-directional film in virtual reality, and the use of EEG sensors to analyse the spectator’s emotions).

About the project

The focus of this arts and sciences project is on developing a prototype of a neuro-interactive film with two innovative functions: immersion in an omni-directional virtual reality film and the use of EEG sensors to assess the spectator’s experience. For the experiment, spectators can choose to experience a pilot sequence from the film Freud’s Last Hypnosis by Marie-Laure Cazin from two different viewpoints – Freud’s or his patient’s. EEG sensors enable viewers to interact implicitly with the sequence according to their emotional state. The research aspect of the project studies the use of physiological data to assess the virtual reality experience. It investigates the role that viewpoints, immersion and implicit interactions play in the user experience, and the aesthetic challenges arising from these new forms of cinema.

Filming of the pilot neuro-interactive film Freud’s Last Hypnosis by

Marie-Laure Cazin (February 2018)

Photographs : (c) Jérôme Fihey


This arts/sciences project has relevance for the world of research and will also develop new tools to address artistic challenges. By combining disciplines, the emotional virtual reality film prototype created will serve as an experimental platform with a scientific focus on analysing brain activity data and an artistic focus on trialling new forms of film production.


Phase 1: creation of pilot film sequence Freud’s Last Hypnosis Marie-Laure Cazin

Phase 2: creation of initial prototype of a neuro-interactive VR film

Phase 3: study and assessment of the subjective experience of 360° videos viewed in a head mounted display, based on physiological data (Masters 2 research stage)

Phase 4: design of audiovisual feedbacks for invisible and implicit interaction within the film (ideation/experimental stage Beaux-Arts or Design)


The experiments completed, data collected and results obtained could be used to support national and international project bids for funding to study experience in immersive and interactive systems and methodologies for evaluating these experiences. This start-up project is part of a more extensive project which aims to develop the concept of emotive virtual reality cinema using memory activation as implicit interactive data. Joint projects with neurosciences laboratories could be considered. Support from the Crabe Fantôme production company will make it possible to create a more polished interactive VR-EEG film for national and international distribution.


Toinon Vigier, LS2N, Université de Nantes – toinon.vigier@univ-nantes.fr

Marie-Laure Cazin, ESBA-TALM – mlcazin@esba-lemans.fr

Matthieu Perreira Da Silva, LS2N – Université de Nantes, matthieu.perreiradasilva@univ-nantes.fr

Patrick Le Callet, LS2N – Université de Nantes, patrick.lecallet@univ-nantes.fr


Top photo : (c)Jérôme Fihey


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